Brain-Powered Nutrition

Healthy Gut, Happy Mind, Empowered Eating

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Using Evidence-based nutrition Science to Find the Lifestyle that works best for YOU.

carrot, cheese, corn, broccoli, tomato and strawberry against white background.png

Working with a dietitian doesn’t always mean following the food guide, eating low-fat or tracking calories! A dietitian can be part of your team, to help you explore options and find out what works for you: what, when and how to eat to feel your  absolute best.

Hi! My name is Adam and as a dietitian and nutrition coach, I strive to help people make sense of the often conflicting nutrition information out there. I’m here to provide science-based guidance to support your health goals, whatever they may be.

Whether you want to follow a paleo, keto, vegan or low-FODMAP diet, or simply want to feel better, I can work with you to do so safely, tailoring your plan to match your unique needs. And, I do all this in a body-positive and non-judgmental space. 

While I love helping folks with all sorts of nutrition concerns, my biggest area of interest is in nutrition and the brain: we have more and more scientific evidence that our diet can dramatically influence our mood, our focus and our mental energy. 

I’m passionate about helping people go from stressed and overwhelmed to calm and in control, using the power of food!

Read more about me and Brain-powered Nutrition here!

Why work with a dietitian? How I can help

Interview on for Manulife’s podcast “Beyond Age, with host Brent Bishop, on nutrition, mood and longevity.



A Registered dietitian can Help you with all kinds of things:

Graphic design of a battery next to a brain.

Mood and Energy

Use customized nutrition to boost your mood and increase your energy.


Kids and Teens

Help your kids or teens establish a healthy relationship with food.

Graphic design of a checklist next to an apple and carrot.

Specialized Diets

Follow a vegan, paleo, ketogenic or low-FODMAP diet safely and effectively

Graphic design of a stomach

Digestive Health

Address IBS, reflux, celiac disease and other digestive issues through tailored nutrition plans.


My logo: Why a walnut?

Walnuts are one of the few plant sources of Omega-3 fats that are critical in keeping inflammation low and building the membranes that surround our cells. They’re also rich in anti-oxidants and fiber that feeds the beneficial bacteria in our gut. This all makes them amazing brain food, and it helps that they happen to be brain-shaped!

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